About me
I’m a penetration tester and repented developer. I love to break things and I easily get excited whenever a shell pops up. As part of my development madness, I’m quite familiar with:
- Python
- Java
- C
- Haskell
- Rust - still learning
- Golang - in a clunky way
As for the infosec part of my job, I’m used to deal with:
- Appsec - Any language or product, in every form/aberration.
- IoT/Mobile Penetration testing
- Netsec
- Social engineering
- Reverse engineering
- Red teaming
Since 2018, I got my OSCP certification.
In the spare time I like to do CTF challenges and play games, mostly FPS, MMORPG, Survivals and Simulation. Most of the time I enjoy playing:
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - My parents are still hearing the screams whenever a nade hit me in the face.
- Battlefield 2142 - Kinda relaxing IMO. Best BF of all time.
- Arma 2 - Tough..but cool.
- Lineage 2 - Spent a lot, maybe too much, time on this one. I still have nightmares about waiting for raid bosses at 2am.
- Rust (not the language) - Mostly played as a solo. Most of the time got offline raided or killed by nakeds.
- Project Zomboid - Fighting hunger, thirsty, depression, sadness, infection, being bored, tiredness. Eventually cracking zombies’ heads with a frying pan.
- 7daystodie - I usually end up being surrounded by zombies that bash my entrance door.
- Factorio - It basically gives you automation addiction. After 3h of game, you will feel the need to automate everything while sitting back and watch the result of your dedication.
- Payday 2 - Nothing funnier than screaming at hostages to get-the-f-down and zip them up while taking the loot. F-the-police.
- Silent Hunter 4 - Relaxing experience. Throwing torpedoes to unconscious ships and fleeing-the-f-out under the thermal layer.